神秘博士 第八季





神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.1神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.2神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.3神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.4神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.5神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.6神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.13神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.14神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.15神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.16神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.17神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.18神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.19神秘博士 第八季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-31 15:30


  BBC于2013年8月4日宣布彼得·卡帕尔蒂接任博士,将在2013年圣诞篇中取代马特·史密斯重生为第12任doctor。  第八季其总编剧依然为史蒂芬·莫法特。


 1 ) 不劈腿不早恋不离婚下属不坑老板老板不虐待员工这才是正宗the promised land

我最搞不懂的一点是THE impossible girl为什么还会嫌弃刀客特的皱纹?伊不是救了好几任刀客特嘛皮卡也不算最老最丑的好歹人家的手指也算是最美了好吗...



这集硬梗太多什么round啊amy啊accent啊可是不知道各位有没有发现那个半机器人就是S7最后一集whisper的领导啊,,为什么要活到现在为什么要找到promised land难道还是trenzalore吗(说到这个这个paradise还真的挺小的...


说起这个啊我无边际的脑洞又在告诉窝胡博士简直是英剧里唯一正三观的剧了里面的人不劈腿不早恋不离婚下属不坑老板老板不虐待员工这才是正宗the promised land啊.......

 2 ) Why do people dislike Clara?


When I read comments defending Clara by calling her an “independent and strong woman with equal importance as the Doctor”, I feel like what these people are defending is theideaof Clara, not her actual execution on screen.

The classic "tell with no show" writing style of Moffat sets the audience up with what Clara should be, can be, and wants to be. However, the actual episode-to-episode plot, dialogue, and dynamic with the Doctor sabotage Moffat's plan and turn the audience against Clara, because we do not find that intended connection or relation by watching the show ourselves.

We are constantly forced by the writers to applaud for her independency or strong character, while all she does is manipulating, abusing, and lying. It's like the writers give Clara a giant label read as "GOOD", then do whatever they want with her because she carries that label with her everywhere and is hence excused from whatever problem she causes.

As a companion, she is supposed to stand for humanity and morality, making the alien Doctor more sympathetic and kind. A character can totally do that while still having her own strong personality. A perfect example is Donna. Donna also disagrees with 10th constantly, but still can be gentle or firm in her own way to persuade and educate him. Clara does not have that likable quality to her, and most of the time her approach of choice is to slap, scold, or yell at the Doctor to get what she wants.

What is more awful is that it works.

The 12th Doctor tolerates her, even indulges her. No matter how problematic, selfish or stubborn Clara is, the Doctor does not clap back. He can be very cruel or indifferent in flashing moments when he faces the fragility of the human kind, but he is always vulnerable and compliant in front of Clara and all of her lies.

I think people also dislike Clara for what she does to the Doctor, or what she fails to offer him. She does not make 12th a better Doctor or a better man. People claim that she is the Doctor's equal. While in fact Clara thinks she is above him. She makes him suffer and it is horrifying to see how much he seems to enjoy the suffering. I feel bad for 12th and Peter Capaldi because they deserve a better companion. They deserve a better friendship. And better writing.

The relationship with Danny Pink is another example of "tell with no show". Clara quickly blurts out "because I love him!!" early in s8, when all we have seen from previous episodes so far are their unpleasant first date and awkward conversations at school. There is absolutely no chemistry between the actors and the dialogue is frustratingly bland. We are supposed to understand how much Clara loves this man who lacks personality and character. We are told to root for them by the writers who throw in a lot of "I love you"s throughout the season without showing how that love grows, flourishes, and matures.

Again, the ideaof Clara finding a new love interest and having a life outside the Tardis is a good story arc, but fails tremendously for the way it is actually carried out.

When you ask why people dislike Clara, they pull out receipts from various episodes in different seasons where her action, decision or exact lines show how annoying or un-enjoyable she is. When people defender her, the reasons are more likely to be "she's independent and strong", "she's a woman", "you don't like her because she's important". -- No, people dislike her because she is actuallynot likable. Not all of us can like a character for who she is supposed to be.

Also, I personally dislike her because I see how much potential she has and how that potential gets wasted, episode by episode, till she is no longer recognizable. I do not hate her. I just feel disappointed with her. And the creator of her as well. Clara reminds me of all the flaws of Moffat's writing during his era. All of his incoherenceand the tendency to come up with a fantastic idea only to drag it for way too long till the sparkle dies.

In a metaphorical sense, the vessel of Clara as a character is beautiful and promising, but there is nothing exciting or intriguing inside.

I dislike her the most when I am actually watching the show. When I'm away from the screen, my memory blurs a bit and I find her less frustrating. Over time, theidea of her has gradually replaced what she is really like in my head. But I re-watched some episodes this week and then saw this thread. I realize that she never grew on me. I simply forgot her flaws because there were too many and thinking about them is very unpleasant.

 3 ) s8e1 关于重生


第一集的主题也很明确,借由博士质问机器人的话,“当你不停的换去身上的零件时,你还是你么?”,这句既是对机器人的拷问,更是博士对自己的独白。每一次重生都是新的皮囊,面对着新的旅程。而这一次显得更加特别,作为打破十二次规律的新一次重生,连doctor自己也没有适应这一次的重生,变得迷茫,甚至忘了怎么使用tardis。而clara更是无法适应,doctor换了一张满是皱纹的脸,生着灰白头发。不过二人最终还是适应了这次变化,doctor是在与流浪汉和机器人的两次交流中找回了自己,纵使皮囊变化了,但他的内心并未变化,他始终是那个doctor。doctor与机器人最大的不同,就是经历了十三次重生后He never changed his heart. 而clara,在机器人餐馆和doctor的冒险让她清楚地了解,他还是那个doctor,那个“狡猾”的doctor。而在本集结尾,clara收到了11th重生前的电话,嘱咐她照顾好现在的“老头”自己,clara答应了,她愿意和doctor继续冒险,换了张脸,但是他依然是过去的那个doctor。

 4 ) 支持大魔王 支持皮卡叔


 5 ) 受不了clara


 6 ) Steven Moffat请放过Doctor Who

Steven Moffat请放过Doctor Who,勇敢承认自己与Russell T Davies在掌控全季剧上的差距,让Doctor Who回归沉睡,等待下个时代能够重启它的巨匠。
你现在这样写下去,我一点没有被感动到,借尸还Cyberman的点子很好,向老版中的UNIT致敬也好,同样的敌人Master,可就是没有第三季季终时的对Doctor的关怀和感动,这是一个活过千年的阅尽时空的老人,不是teenage的drama girl,他这一次又一次失去了整个宇宙中唯一的族人,孤独是他无法摆脱的宿命,可第八季的结束就是缺少了那一份人文关怀的气息,对比想想第三季的结束<This is Gallifrey>的曲子响起大家一面激动一面哀伤的心情,这样的剧集真的是回不来了。



  • .L.S..
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  • TR33
  • 还行

20200218 果然我还是喜欢小11的 纵使他对岳母一家的偏爱 不怎么心水克拉拉的原因是 她的智慧太刻意了 就像是导演安排好的那种 好吧 其实也是导演编剧的事 但就是觉得克拉拉有点出戏 演技无可挑剔 就是太金手指了 虽说是米西一手策划 但是克拉拉也太顺风顺水了吧 捂脸 博士一点没有怀疑 好吧 11居然守着圣诞几千年 12为了克拉拉也守了三千年 所以 博士到底几多岁了。。。。

  • 旺仔 小馒头
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  • hazy
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\ missy missy missy,so brilliant and bright,oh moffat you die!!!!! /

  • CharlesChou
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  • amber
  • 较差


  • 掐雀舌
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最后的坑真的是。。。。。。。被魔法特烦死(进入DW圈的入门课) 皮卡叔萌萌哒

  • 蛇酱_ha
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  • 圆月球
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季终集呵呵呵呵只能说Dalek girl和Cyberman boy果然是一对绝配哦呵呵呵呵呵。这季真的只有805和809好看。皮卡叔和Missy太棒,魔法特狗男女负分滚

  • Steamed Punk
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反正魔法特接棒以后,我就觉得所有的同伴都特别神烦(rory除外,可能其他同伴都太自我中心了),想念rose, 想念donna

  • 面面
  • 还行

用了半个多季才开始get到12的节奏…用了整整一季才开始feel for克拉拉和12…最后一集什么也不说了,先让我哭一会……

  • Magpie
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  • Rocinante
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-Why don't you like hugging, doctor? -Never trust a hug. it's just a way to hide your face.

  • Sophie Z
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一季到八季见证了刀客特剧组从三毛特效到三万特效的转变= = 这么有钱的剧组你谁【。

  • Elaine
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  • 阳光晒出来的香
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  • SundanceKid🌈
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  • 我还在发育
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我要是说我觉得是克拉拉让博士变成了一个更不好的人,你们会不会揍我。虽然被打上了control freak的标签,但我丝毫看不出她坚持的到底是什么,充满了双重甚至多重标准。博士像一个工具,做着一切讨好她的事情,既不是一个浪漫的要拯救所有人的博士,也不是一个铁血的追求最优选择的博士。

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