皇家律师 第三季






皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.1皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.2皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.3皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.4皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.5皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.6皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.13皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.14皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.15皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.16皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.17皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.18皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.19皇家律师 第三季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-31 16:08


  Whilst Clive Reader celebrates his taking silk but Martha hits the bottle, angry that inspector Wright has lied in court to convict her client Johnny Foster. Later David, the teen-aged son of chambers head Alan Cowdrey, is arrested for causing the death of a policeman , one of six who kettled him during a demonstration. Martha believes David has been bullied into pleading guilty by Wright and wants Alan involved in his son's case but David is not keen to see his father. Reader and Caroline Warwick agree to help Martha, who sees on CCTV that an anonymous man spoke to David in custody but there is no record of this meeting. In court she faces Wright, this time determined to beat him but evidence comes to light which weakens Martha's crusade.


 1 ) 长歌当哭

其实早在S01E04中,玛莎就遇到过这样的冲突,当她作为控方,却发现因为辩方能力问题导致被告可能被错误定罪时,她选择了“控方的目的是查明真相”。而当第三季中同样的事情发生时,她犹疑了,而她两个案子的判决最终都站在了事实的对立面。正如阮籍的长歌当哭,我相信当她说出“who am i”后离开鞋巷,她也不知该去往何处。所以当公交车驶过,不见了踪影的玛莎,她的去处只有前方。

 2 ) 经常审视的人生,真是让人难以提起兴趣







 3 ) 强烈推荐, for becoming a free woman and for thinking about ethics


女生可以得到启发how to be a woman and free. 虽然感觉这里面并没有特别理想的professional woman的榜样...我在现实生活中看到更多非常棒的老总,同时是很好的妻子and/or母亲,英国人反映的现实更冷酷。

大家都可以得到启发how to address the conflict between everyday ethics and work ethics when it happens. 虽然我目前做过的两个行当consulting和science中,ethics issue并没有law和medicine里面那面严重,但是我相信如果每个人都能想想这个问题,the world will become a better place. 对Martha Costello, work ethics overrules every other ethics, which made her a truly extraordinary QC, but also led the eventual crash of her whole belief system (as she was forced out of work due to change in chamber politics). 不过也许目前更可怕的问题可能是很多人work ethics和everyday ethics都偏弱。还记得之前一个项目中客户接受访谈时说“如果你们有良心的话就把这个问题如实反映上去”。相信他们之前也曾经找过其他途径,但是捅马蜂窝的事情很多人都不愿意干,慢慢搁置就大事化了了。(幸运的是上司最终非常有技巧的如实反映了问题。)

 4 ) Martha与Alicia,Clive与Will

silk与the good wife 都是以女性为主角的律政剧,这两部剧最新一集都让人意外的虐死,而这两部剧的风格又完完全全不同……
  两剧的女主角都是律师大牛,强悍的女性角色,但性格完全不搭嘎,Alicia是那种对生活各个阶段目标非常明确的人,非常追求在别人心中的形象(虽然她自己多次否认,但她的家人都看出来了)同时非常清楚自己要什么,也不避讳去争取,从她争取客户挤走Cary,为公司互评向David lee 求情,争取合伙人身份,到离开Will自立门户,虽然看起来温柔,但她很能狠下心来放弃一些东西,不过她脱离了白莲花的形象,被人称为“selfish bitch‘反而更真实,更好看。
   而Martha,某些方面好像和Diane类似,但更虚幻更与众不同,某种程度上仿佛凌驾于办公室斗争之上,而the good Wife 里每个人对权势地位的认可都是非常明显的。


 5 ) Martha Cestello's Who Am I

Accidentally read a review on Silk. It mentions that the justice procedure of the Law of England & Wales is a procedure based on the theory of truth agnosticism, which means it despises the pursuit of the truth. Thus neither of the prosecution and the defence can regard themselves as equalling to the justice itself. What they perform is just to protect their clients' interests. This is the ultimate justice the law can grant to the beings to protect themselves. That is, innocent until proven guilty.

However, this arouses a controversial debate on barristers' ethical duty. Theoretically, a barrister owes duty of not misleading the court. This duty comes first When they represent their clients to seek for a justice conviction. Therefore a barrister is not allowed to represent the client if he or she has the knowledge of the crime commitment made by the client. Otherwise it will amount to contempt of court. What the barrister can only do in such a situation is to cease the representation relationship to protect the justice of the court. Nonetheless, since the law practice industry is the derivative of current economic demand, most lawyers, usually intend to represent clients and maximise the clients' interests by shunning the truth deliberately. This is the formation of grey area.

Back to the series. Season Three explores what the lawyer and the justice system can do when confronting the truth and humanity. Martha Cestello is built to be a figure of justice. This justice more likely represents the sympathy to the weak side, rather than the pursuit of truth. Just like Martha says the justice (for her) aims to providing best defence for the client. She is always doing her job based on a barrister's intuition and her obsession of the truth. But such a basement could be voidable. The case of extradition proves the voidability of the powerless intuition on her not guilty assumption made to the kid who seems innocent when facing an incontrovertible evidence. Another case is about Martha's ex. When she finds out the name list, she is totally convinced that her ex is the murderer and neglects the most obvious evidence that the murderer is left-hand, but Shawn is not. Because her belief has been a little bit conflicted by the extradition case at that time. It is easily to see her emotional struggling here since she has assured the 'truth' that Shawn is the murderer. But she chooses to represent him continuously even this is an obey to both her belief and the enforced obligation posed on a barrister. At the end of season 3, Micky Joy crushes out the truth, but the court gives the direction of not adopting Joy's testimony since it does not comply with the juridical procedures. This is so ironic. When the trial is finished, Martha has completely lost and asked: who am I.

In the end, Martha's disappearance and Billy's cancer seem to be a metaphor that being symbolic for an era curtain that belief of justice is no longer exist in a contemporary law practice. Clive gets the chairman position only because he can ensure the case amount for Shoe Lane, which turns out that the value of justice has become the value of lawyer fee.

English series are so ironic.

 6 ) run for your life


run for your life 这是mickey给martha最后的忠告

最后一集 终于clive变成了原来放荡不羁爱情色的clive,martha却不再是那个机智的QC

唇红齿白 干净利落的短发 谁说martha是倏尔一变呢 难道忘记了成为QC之后 在第二季里丢弃了的手拉车 和精致的high heels

EP06 keep out

- So you can't say where it was from.
- I was told.
- You were told? Sorry, sorry, sorry. You were told?
When things go wrong, this is how they go wrong.
- I'm sorry?
- This prosecution, these police officers, you.
- What are you all saying?
- We've found our man, now let's make the evidence fit.
Well, that is the wrong way round and this is how miscarriages of justice happen.
It should be "- look at the evidence
- and see who fits it. "
- Is this a speech?
- It's a description of everything that's wrong with the prosecution and police culture in this country.
- Just put your case, Miss Costello.
- You can't be sure it was a 9mm pistol because you need the cartridge for that.
The striations caused by its journey down the barrel of the gun tell you what the weapon was.
So you can't say what this type of gun was,
and anyway, you don't know how rare a 9mm pistol is in the UK
because your statistical database is too narrow.
-And that was all performance.
Ask the question, sit down before it can be answered
and then the question becomes the answer.
It's a dishonest technique.
What I should have said is that Miss Costello is doing her job,
which, unless she believes everything her clients tell her,
means her working life is one big performance.

Jamming a square peg in a round hole.

I knew I was a grown-up from the age of about five,
because I thought all other children were wasting their time - being children.
That's the thing about the Catholic faith.
Teaches you to take life seriously.
You pay attention.
My fifth birthday. I'm trying to find the courage to dive in.
I remember it as if it was yesterday.
It's the last moment in my life
before I started to think about death.
Everybody goes, Billy.
There are three things that matter.
The manner of your going.
What you leave behind.
And where you're going afterwards.

You lose your heart to every case you take, don't you?
Passion, conviction, fearlessness.
All of them admirable qualities,
and all of them qualities shared by DCI Fitzpatrick.
- He's... - The other side of the same coin.
- No. - You only see what you need to see.
Look at the jacket.
- What?
- The blood on the sleeve means Sean's guilty, doesn't it?
Fitzpatrick wins, you lose.
The blood on the right sleeve.
The wound behind the left ear.
The killer's left-handed. Sean isn't.
You win.
- I didn't think... - No, you didn't.
You lost a game you could have won.
- Game? - And there's another game to play tomorrow
and, like all games, it's about winning and losing,
and that means everyone in it is corrupted.
After years a lawyer...
..At the death...
I've stopped playing the game and I told the truth.
I can't tell you how good that feels.
- What are you saying?
- I'm telling you.
Begging you.
Walk away.
No. Run.
Run for your life.

EP03 Things don't add up


1'28 day's already been seized, strip-searched and sentenced.

4'21 I always thought you were a great loss to Parliament, Billy.
I can just see you whipping the backbenchers into voting for some illegal war without them ever quite knowing what they were voting for.

4'40 She's a cross between Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and a small Rottweiler.

5'12 You have lots in common, you and Elizabeth.
Brave, strong...
- Pale. - Pale.
- Surrounded by men. - Surrounded by men.
Saying no to all of them.

6'10 You can argue about an individual's right to die, but not putting murder on the indictment here would send a huge message. It could open the floodgates to anyone who wants to...finish off a burdensome relative.We, the law,can't allow that to happen.

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
creeps in this petty pace from day to day
to the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays
have lighted fools the way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle."

express a desire to die.

While none of us can be anything but profoundly moved by the tragedy of the situation that Joanna Stephens found herself in,or by the desperately hard situation that Sarah Stephens faced...no-one,has the right...to play God.

adjusting to her new circumstances.

I take instructions from my client,
whereas you take instructions from a supernatural entity
that can't be cross-examined,
but whose wisdom you ask us to take as read?

Don't ever do what I'm about to.

EP02 U don't Know Football

Jordan成了英格兰足球史上一个出柜的运动员 虽然是在电视剧里 而且只是对自己的律师

Martha这一回第一次表现出比较感性的态度 询问client究竟怎么辩论 Clive和Martha末尾的drama 也印证了Martha对于client的态度

(27‘)实际上这一集讲work and family多一点 上一回Bill的医师讲到他会哭得多一点 这一回就哭了两次 You'll be there forever. 是大家对他的认可 也或许就是他自己对Shoe Lane的态度

Ps. Jack吃的是什么 (¯﹃¯)看起来就好好吃

EP01 Leave Me Alone

一部剧能够成功不仅需要情节的推进 主角的表现 台词的雕琢 很大程度上需要配角的支撑 比如这一集的CW 本来没什么表演(32‘)但是白色窗帷吹拂着 她put the exact date when she lost her chance for motherhood 作为QC 还需要怎么样的drama 怎样的表演呢?

和韩剧相比 英剧真是太简练了 不需要街拍一样的秀服装 每一帧都在推动情节 (48’)比如Ruby看着Shoe Lane 而Marsha从反方向走过来 被告知David losing himself的事实 而dad又恰巧走过来 不难猜测Rudy需要怎样的勇气来告诉他这个残酷的事实 哎……

副线Billy的情节也很灵动 真是内容丰富!

Ps (7‘)我真以为他们会在法庭上做爱呢



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从此世上再无Martha Costello

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最后一集给主角Marsha还有所有热爱这剧的人心头狠狠一击,让所有从S01E01开始积累的对司法/正义/与良心的疑虑倾泻而出,作为最终集真是神结尾。但是从观众角度说...尼玛让我捂着心脏出去缓缓_(:qゝ∠)_ PS.RPJ你简直就是史上最帅克剧男演员

  • Gavin|江湖骗子
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Martha Costello是我至今最喜欢的戏剧女主角

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故事赢了人物。成就和令她迷失的都是执着,抱持对象的差池会是信仰的颠覆,没有坚持到最后就能赢的光环。三年来以为看的是励志剧,结果是揭人生老底,Micky三句话,the manner of going, what we left behind, where are we going afterward在她消失后变成如何执着,带来什么,除了执着我们还剩什么。

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  • 铁人拿大梨
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这样的结尾作为剧终真的处理得太好 不仅把所有线索都理清 而且将法律讲得太透彻 一句“Who am I?”道出所有律师的困惑 律师对正义和真相的坚持到头来还是会被现实击垮 法庭不过是场游戏

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  • 七禾
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Martha and Billy 那些最好的人 却往往最孤独痛苦坚强独立,他们会去想who am I 也会消失在人群中去找寻自己的答案。

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最后一集要不要这么狠啊!!看得我难过死了。。。第三集就被Billy叔虐哭,最后一集还要这样把Martha虐到心都死了!编剧这是闹哪样啊!!!前面几集还期待着Clive会变好,结局赤果果的把我们打醒,渣男这种属性是永远不会变好的,一辈子都是渣男!!太心疼Martha了,Run for your life... ⑧

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Walk away. Run for your life.

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