

主演:阿莉雅·布哈特,苏莉温.查瓦拉,洛尼特·罗伊,Rahul Bhat




丑恶 剧照 NO.1丑恶 剧照 NO.2丑恶 剧照 NO.3丑恶 剧照 NO.4丑恶 剧照 NO.5丑恶 剧照 NO.6丑恶 剧照 NO.13丑恶 剧照 NO.14丑恶 剧照 NO.15丑恶 剧照 NO.16丑恶 剧照 NO.17丑恶 剧照 NO.18丑恶 剧照 NO.19丑恶 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-31 16:28




 1 ) 角色和动机



原先的案情一句话就可以概况:演员Rahul Varshney (又名Kapoor)与前妻Shalini的女儿Kali被人贩子绑架,虽然人贩子很快就露出了马脚,但是在绑匪身份曝光之前就意外身亡。真凶已死,理论上不会再出现推动案情继续发展的事件,此时却出现了主动取代推动者角色的人物:Rahul的朋友Chaitanya,这是第一个代替消失的绑匪勒索的角色。随后其他人物纷纷插手添乱:Rahul和Shalini当警长的新丈夫为了当年的种种私怨纠缠不清,Rahul家暴妻子的旧事更是被当做这位落魄演员离婚、失去监护权和绑架自己女儿的最初动机,两人间的相互怀疑原是由于情敌之争;Shalini的弟弟也假借绑匪给姐姐打电话索要赎金;Shalini本人则在500万赎金的基础上向富豪父亲多要了150万以饱私囊,她的朋友Rakhee趁机贪掉了这150万;就连电影开头义正词严地拒绝与走私贩同流合污的警长Shoumik Bose(也就是Shalini的新丈夫,Rahul大学时代的情敌)也露出了心如铁石的一面:他娶Shalini到底是为了爱,还是仅仅为了报复Rahul?是他对妻子的冷漠,让电影第一个镜头里迟迟下不去开枪的手的Shalini最终扣动了扳机……旁观者看着这些人物争先恐后地推波助澜,让自己双手染上罪恶的黑色,怀疑“第一推动者”是傲慢愚蠢的前夫,是不忠的朋友,是虚荣的妻子,是贪婪的情人,是趁虚而入的弟弟,是冷漠的新丈夫,当然也可能是最开始就死了的那位。旁观者和这些人一起忘记被绑架了很久的小女孩。于是我们看到,故事在绑匪这个关键角色缺失的情况下走到了最后,而且是受害者惨遭撕票的黑暗结局。




 2 ) 最直接影评






 3 ) 有剧透,可以看完后再点击

There are many events throughout the whole movie which included search and suspicion of characters around story but they are not narrated here

Kali is a 10 year old daughter out of the divorced couple Shalini Bose (Tejswini Kolhapure) and Rahul Kapoor (Rahul Bhat). Rahul pickup Kali on Saturday - the only day on which he is allowed to take out his daughter. Between their way towards a cartoon movie they stop for awhile to meet Chaitnya Mishra (Vineeth Kumar), Rahul's best friend for a quick audition of struggling actor Rahul. Kali rejects to come with him and she sits in the car on a crowded Mumbai street and ask Rahul to come back soon. Rahul waits for his friend Chaitnya at his home leaving car parked with Kali in the street.

While waiting Kali sees a mask-vendor who is trying to sell animal masks and Kali is attracted (but does not get out of car,presumably) Chaitnya comes after few minutes to meet Rahul and says Kali is not in the car and the door was open. Rahul runs to find and Chaitnya follows him. They ask everyone on street if they saw any little girl but nobody answer. Chaitnya spots the mask vendor Shrilal (Murari Kumar) and ask him but Srilal do not answer and stare instead. Chaitnya sees that Shrilal is having iPhone of Kali and ask him how did he had that phone. Shrilal runs and both Rahul and chaitnya follows. In a long chase, Shrilal gets hit by a car/truck and dies instantly.

Rahul and Chaitnya goes to police station to meet Inspector Rane (Sandesh Jadhav) to file missing report of Kali and death of Shrilal. While the continues unwanted, not-so-funny questions by Rane and his team to Rahul, Rane ask Rahul's home number to call. Rane realise after dialing that the number belongs to his Head and Senior Inspector Shoumik Bose [nm0747172] who is a very rough, rude but yet respected and honest police officer. Thus concluding that Shoumik is step-father of Kali. Rane calls Shoumik and he arrives instantly at police station. Police goes to Shrilal's house to see if he has kept Kali there but there is only Shrilal's aged aunt who denies having kidnapped any kid. Police search arounds but do not found Kali. Shoumik hits Rahul and Chaitnya very much and we see in flashback that all Shoumik, Rahul and Shalini were in same college where Shoumik and Rahul both wanted Shalini but Shalini was attracted to much handsome Rahul and Shoumik was teased a lot. In today, Shoumik blams Rahul for the kidnapping of Kali because he can't meet her daily and Shalini keeps her away from him because of his drinking habit. But later it is revealed that Kali is not kidnapped by Rahul.

Chaitnya, who is having lots of pending dues to pay make a fake call to the Rahul asking for a ransom amount of Rs. 10 Lacs but before Rahul can arrange money Chaintnya's call is traced and Rane catches and again hits Chaitnya very much to find out if he has Kali. Shoumik ask Rahul to talk with Chaitnya to find out where is Kali but it is revealed again after few scenes that Chaitnya is also not behind the kidnapping. Between we again see a flashback that after marrying Rahul, Shalini was not happy since Rahul didn't had any job as actor and they lived in a very small room without money for very long. Kali was born and aged 5 years around. Chaitnya visits Shalini and Shalini who is angry and bored from money-less dull life and fighting life mixes a very little amount of sleeping powder in Kali's milk for her own greed of satisfaction and spends night with Chaitnya. Shoumik married Shalini when once Shalini was beaten cruelly by Rahul but Shoumik never loved Shalini the way a husband do.

We are introduced by Rakhi Malhotra who is best friend of Shalini but is having affair with Shalini's first husband Rahul leaving her own husband aside. Rakhi is a struggling actor like Rahul and is out of money. She also takes advantage of Kali's kidnapping by calling for ransom and asking sum of Rupees 20 Lacs. To arrange this money Rahul goes to loot a jewelry store but is failed. Other than this, Shalini's brother Siddhant (Siddharth Kapoor) who is a local smuggler and is out of money also tries to dig gold by calling Shalini for ransom and asks 50 lacs. Shalini, again, greedy for money and bored from husband adds her own amount and ask from her father total of 65 lacs for ransom and says that kidnapper has strictly said not to tell Shoumik about this. Her Father arranges money and Shalini after deducting her own amount and gives rest to Siddhant not knowing that it is him who is asking and not any kidnapper. Shoumik comes to know this and goes to Shalini shouting that she cheated her father - and ask where is remaining amount and Kali is not coming home this way. We see in flashback that Shalini has asked Rakhi to keep 15 lacs secure. but Rakhi runs away with money including team of Chaitnya and Rahul. Shoumik tells this to Shalini and an outraged Shalini shoots Shoumik with gun and Shoumik is injured on shoulder. Siddhanth is caught red-handded with money.

Later, Shalini runs away from home without saying any thing. Shoumik, after not finding his daughter seating alone attends a call from Rahul where Rahul tease Shoumik but he is not affected by any of it and says whether or not Rahul is having Kali with him; just answer yes or no. Rahul puts the phone down and hits Chaitnya shouting that Chaitnya ensured Rahul that Shoumik is behind Kali's kidnapping but he does not have her and Chaitnya did all of these for money and Rahul (assumably) kills Chaitnya in that fight. While this, Rakhi runs away with all money alone.

Next day we see that police department gets a call complaining about Shrilal's old-aged aunt from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh police station for child-kidnapping. A police detective meets the aunt and tells her if she knows anything about Kali then speak. She does not say anything but later she approaches the same deserted market area from where Kali was missing very early morning and police detective follows her. Later, police detective call Shoumik to come with team at same place as Kali is found. In the last scene of movie, Shoumik and his team comes to that discarded area of market, where Kali was kept bounded from hand and mouth and she is dead. Her whole body is fungus-ed. due to being dead from last so many days. police detective tells Shoumik that she was here the whole time and we could have saved her. She was drugged and kidnapped by Shrilal.

The story tells us a reality of the cruel world by depicting money-greed friend, outraged first husband, senseless brother, money derived and betraying friend and wife and rude police officer. All of them wanted more than what they already had and while all of this - they all lost a little innocent girl. It is seen that even though none of them can be blamed - all of them were murderer.

 4 ) 返璞归真



 5 ) 丑 恶,如何安放……

很久没有触动我写评论的影片了,上上次还是the gone girl吧? 电影的镜头和叙事方式让我倍感意外:毕竟对印度片浓烈的“歌舞”、“励志”、“正能量”、“戏剧化”(oh my god, 3 idiots, 功夫小蝇, 星星的孩子, 等等等)的脸谱和情节标志有了先入为主的印象记忆,我一直憋不住想这部电影不会是老外导演拍得吧!太写生了! 人性看点(按情节时间顺序): 1. 女儿为博关注,撒泼摔瓶子,被母亲责问 2. 大bose警察耍酷疯,各种监控欲,时刻录音各种老婆电话 3. 母亲被前夫的炮友(or曰女盆友)电话嘲弄,说是黑得看不下去的老姑娘 4. 前夫是个不自量力混日子的废材,带着女儿出来看电影的周六实际是为自己谋生 5.前夫的友仔,一个假正经的啃老族,上了人妻(对,一个巴掌拍不响,母亲也是主动送b的),人前警察处演仗义演软弱演同情,背后就脑子滴溜溜神不知鬼不觉和友仔的炮友策划怎么坑钱 6.见风使舵的小警察,特会打哈哈,是狗就反咬,是爷就跪舔666 7.卷了钱跑路的三人帮里,经纪人渣渣又欺骗前夫,说绑匪已归还女儿,结果前夫一个网路电话打给警察后穿帮了,假正经经纪人被砖头和乱拳terminate,艳舞炮友还是妥妥地卷钱接着跑路…… 7.各种各类无用的废柴角色,如母亲的弟弟(警察的小舅子),前夫的炮友(艳舞女演员),接受肉体利益的色胖房东,就连大部分电影里仁慈的父母人设,在这里都是宠溺之帮凶(极其顺从女儿的父亲直接上银行取钞票;一大早在厨房或卫生间忙碌的老母亲念念不忘让“吾儿早归啊”) …… 似乎是褪下了华裳, 看到了肌肤上斑斑点点, 洗去了铅华, 露出了遮盖的黑眼袋,和疲倦的空洞的呐喊:啊快给我啊我累了我也要啊…… 呵呵。 但这才是毫无遮拦的,人性,humanity……看到没有穿衣服的它们,爽飞,还是,愤怒难挡……? (旁白:东野圭吾会不会吐槽 它嗒一嘛 斯国一哟!) 人性啊真的是非常复杂的,但又是非常简单的,没有纯一的善,或者恶,每个人都会在不同的环境影响下游走在这两端的边缘,电影里的每一个角色都在叙述这一点。只是啊: 丑,究竟能摆放在灵魂的什么位置……? 真的,只是要绑架吗? 我想导演拍出来,不止想告诉观众,印度人狠丑陋吧…… 重要的是: 你会想起上一次,你把丑,放到哪里了吗? 以这句歌词为结尾吧: “i am so confused, but i know i heard you loud and clear, so i follow through, somehow i ended up here... i don't wanna think, i may never understand, that my broken heart, is part of your plan... when i try to pray, all i've got is hurt, but these four words, Thy Will Be Done…” 片尾曲很赞,还有,ugly真的很港,很喜欢……

 6 ) 离这个地方远一点




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与其说是杀人回忆倒更像gone baby gone。阳光下最丑恶的还是无力又伪装的爱

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老婆勾引前夫盆友还倒打一耙现任老公(警察)因为学生时代报复娶了她还一直监听她的通话前夫朋友 情妇 老婆弟弟三人知道绑架案后都分别冒充绑匪向前夫 老婆勒索老婆收到绑架电话明明500w她却骗自己爸爸说对方要650w还蠢到把150w放在了朋友(前夫情妇)那里弟弟的500w也因为监听电话而被捕最后老婆朝现任开了一枪就离家出走了前夫因为轻信朋友的话以为孩子安全了就携带500w跟朋友 情妇打算一起跑路谁知孩子并没有在警察那里于是暴打了朋友情妇趁机带着500w溜了最后发现孩子就是一开始的小摊贩姑侄俩绑架的因为错过了解救时间被活活闷死在了电动车座箱里害 如果没有这群傻逼接二连三的冒充绑匪估计警察会锁定那对姑侄 有希望救出小女孩全影只有现任是认真的在救继女

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@戛纳导演双周@北国剧场 印度也拍出杀人回忆级别的片儿了

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Dépourvu de toute ambigüité,le réalisateur tisse habilemt 1 récit labyrinthique sans temps mort couplé à 1 Macguffin qui dénude la cupidité humaine.Le désenchantement se propage dans la noirceur stupéfiante d’1 constat social autant ancré au sol indien qu'universel

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