





橘衫男子 剧照 NO.1橘衫男子 剧照 NO.2橘衫男子 剧照 NO.3橘衫男子 剧照 NO.4橘衫男子 剧照 NO.5橘衫男子 剧照 NO.6橘衫男子 剧照 NO.13橘衫男子 剧照 NO.14橘衫男子 剧照 NO.15橘衫男子 剧照 NO.16橘衫男子 剧照 NO.17橘衫男子 剧照 NO.18橘衫男子 剧照 NO.19橘衫男子 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-31 17:00




 1 ) 今年我心中的Top1腐剧











他们的 挣扎与妥协




































 2 ) 第二集的重写(在最后)



港真,我起初也是慕颜来看剧。毕竟Julian Morris长相俊俏、胸大臀圆,随手来张短发或寸头的街拍都是妥妥的美人一个,搭配小胡渣的黑白(半裸)硬照更是性感到诱惑。




Adam想上客人Steve —>Adam主动送货上门企图打炮(后续片段说明骨灰盒一般是电话通知客人前来领走) —>Adam被Steve伴侣赶走 —>Adam借装修名义再次勾搭 —>Steve忽然想吻他 —>Adam忽然抓Steve裆想打炮被拒 —>Adam手机约炮成功 —>Adam因滥交忽然和祖母吵架 —>Adam离家出走酒吧约炮被三连拒 —>Adam忽然路边被迫吹箫+口爆(吐了一地) —>Adam身心受创找Steve抱抱 —>Steve忽然次日说要厮守终生 —>Steve回家和伴侣分手 —>Adam+前女友/Steve+前伴侣聚餐,祖母忽然来和解 —>Adam当晚手机约炮被发现(这有多渣) —>Adam被分手找祖母 —>Steve读了祖父的情书忽然和好

上述故事逻辑只能用“为所欲为”来形容。Adam和Steve爱得毫无来由,整整一个小时没有一处情感上的铺垫,说吻就吻,说上就上,说厮守就厮守,说复合就复合,编剧看太多琼瑶剧了吧?他们的对话本来就不多,零星的交流中完全体现不出一点"Why I will / shall love you”的苗头。


Adam: 19's a good age, but her heart's given out. We should put her to sleep to spare her suffering.
Steve: I hadn't realized how long I'd...
Adam: Do you need a moment?
Steve: No, it's fine.
Adam: I hadn't expected to... Bloody cat! You know, she resented me from the start... I am sorry.

Adam: Hello?
Steve: You can't leave them there.
Adam: Oh, hi.
Steve: Caspar would have a fit.
Adam: Sorry, I... I just thought I could drop off Myra's ashes, er, on my way home. I thought the box was quite nice.
Steve: Yes, but it's not Biedermeier. Caspar's been known to change hotels if the carpet upsets him.
Adam: Er, what are you working on? (我来调情了)
Steve: A redesign of a perfect flat in Limehouse. All my work gets undone. I mean, if you heal a dog, right, it stays healed.
Adam: Er, unhappy people can have persistently unhappy pets. So you are an architect?
Steve: No, erm... Caspar swept me off my feet before I qualified.
Adam: (stepped forward) This place is really quite nice. (这里不错,要不我们……)
Caspar: Your ten-minute call. (滚吧你,还想在我家吊我凯子?)
Steve: I am sorry, erm...

Steve: So, they never actually put central heating in, which is amazing! There's a proper hole in one of the bedroom floors.
Adam: I should probably just sell it, as it is.
Steve: No, no, no, it's brilliant. You just have to dig past all the crap. You... You can't sell. You're not seeing it. Oh... So, erm, was it like your parents' weekend cottage, or...?
Adam: No, we never came here. Perhaps Flora did before she let it, but I really don't know.
Steve: Right, who's... who's Flora?
Adam: Oh, my grandma. Christ. All this depressing junk! Oh, that's nice!
Steve: You see?
(Adam is peeing in the bush)
Steve: I'd really really like to do a job like this, Adam. It's like working on a site with my brothers when I was growing up. The whole hands-on... I'm bored of tarting up kitchens.(这里给出了Steve并非为了上Adam而去装修小别墅的事实)
Adam: What would Caspar think of you working outside of London?
Steve: Well, we're not joined at the hip and, er, and he's in Brighton with his latest app-squeeze.(squeeze有个informal的名词用法指代男女朋友,他在Brighton的新炮友那儿呢)
Adam: Oh, really?
Steve: Yeah.
Adam: You don't mind?
Steve: I don't own him.(我对他没有占有欲)
(After a while)
Adam: What?
Steve: Do you mind kissing me?(这句话莫名其妙,Steve索取同情之吻?)
(Adam hesitated, just face touching)
Steve: Am I, er, am I barking up the wrong tree?(我以为你是gay呢,难道你不是?)
Adam: No. No.(我是gay,我是gay,那我亲了哈,是你主动的哦)
Steve: Oh.(这么猴急?)
Adam: What?(摸你裆有什么问题吗?)
Steve: Well, it's not a porn film. I... Listen, Adam, there's a person in these jeans, OK?(我不是公交车,有问题?)
Adam: I can't. I can't. This is... I'm sorry. (我有性瘾,我控制不了,我做不到只亲嘴不动手)
(In the car)
Steve: Sorry. Did I misread...?(你为什么脸黑成这样?)
Adam: I should sell the place. It's such a lot of work.(我就不该钓你上钩,不给上太难受了)
Steve: Oh, okay. I'll make my own way from here.(得咧,惹不起,爸爸要下车)
Adam: Really?(你生气了?)
Steve: Yeah.(爸爸不要你了)
Adam: I'll pay for your time.(别气啊,我拿我爸爸的钱赔你)
Steve: Whatever.(拉倒吧,爸爸不缺钱)
Adam: I'll wait.(这句话也莫名其妙,唯一的解释是Adam说要等Steve的设计稿,又和前面几句衔接不上)

Steve: Look, I know you want to sell, but I couldn't stop thinking of all you could do there. Can I show you?
Adam: Emm, we've a backlog from this morning. I finish at five. Erm, er... There's a cafe down the street.(哈,这小子主动上钩了)
(In the cafe)
Steve: I wasn't sure you'd come.
Adam: I owe you an apology. For the weekend. I...
Steve: It doesn't matter. It was my fault. I... Anyway... Do what you like with these. May even help you to sell it if you can get someone to see past the hideous wallpaper... I'm talking too much. Sorry. I'll shut up.(再次呼应Steve的确只是因为装修小别墅更有趣而来的事实)
Adam: These are beautiful. Seriously.
Steve: Thank you.
Adam: I was a prat on Sunday. I'm not used to, erm... You know.(你懂的,谁亲完不给上啊)
Steve: No, but...
Adam: Er, thanks for doing these. I don't know what I want to do with the cottage, but I should pay you.
Steve: That's fine. Erm... They are a present. Call me, er... if you change your mind, or whatever.

Steve: Hey, boss.
Adam: Someone's happy.
Steve: Like you wouldn't believe! I'm not redesigning another high-end kitchen. I'm in heaven! So... You skiving?(第三次澄清Steve真的别无居心)
Adam: Saturday surgery is only short and they owe me so much leave.(我特地翘班来钓你)
Steve: Good.
(Inside the cottage)
Steve: Mr Popular. Trust me. Living with Caspar, I could write a thesis on sex addiction.(哇,你又要去打炮了)
Adam: So... was your dad tough on you?(这对话谁写的,这么大的弯都能转?)
Steve: Erm, let's just say his model of masculinity wasn't exactly Lord Berners. You've no idea who that is.
Adam: No.
Steve: Just tell me that you can't explain the offside rule.
Adam: If you're closer to your opponents' goal line than both the ball and... I so had you there.
Steve: Bitch!
(Outside the cottage)
Adam: If beds could talk, eh?
Steve: I'm sure this had a quiet and blameless life.
Adam: It's getting late. I should go.(我很有自知之明的,留下来你又不肯让我睡)
Steve: Well, I got a lot more done with you here, so... It's only Sunday tomorrow. Or do you have a hot date? That old sofa, erm, folds out into a bed, of sorts.
(Saturday dinner)
Adam: Oh, this is so good. How did you...?
Steve: Pepper, salt, lemon... It's just steak!
Adam: Do you both cook? What?
Steve: Sorry. Erm, yes, we both enjoy cooking when we're in. We go out... A lot.
Adam: Do you mind me asking you all these questions? I never get a chance to...
Steve: Stick around long enough to make conversation? I'm sorry. That was mean. Erm, you're not even out, are you? I bet you've still not told you granny.(你一般射完就走?)
Adam: Oh, Flora is so not a granny. Not in so many words, she's... She's never invited confidences.
Steve: And you're scared she'd...
Adam: I, erm... I-I-I don't know. Is that rain?
Steve: No.
Adam: This is nice.
Steve: Yeah.
Adam: Steve.
Steve: Yeah?
Adam: It's a picture.
Steve: Yeah. No. Erm, you have grease on your hands. You're better off just blowing. Close your eyes. One, two, three. Wow!

(Sunday late night)
Adam: Hey, I... I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go. I-I had a huge row with... and then I... I'm sorry.
Steve: It's your place.
Adam: God, I must stink. I need a shower. I-I-I left a message at work. I've taken tomorrow off. I'm sorry for waking you.(Adam为什么要告诉Steve明天不上班呢?)
Steve: Even the shower is not working.
Adam: Oh, shit.
Steve: New pump comes tomorrow.
Adam: Yeah, the sink is fine. Just go to bed.
Steve: Have you...?
Adam: Go to bed.
(After a while)
Steve: It's OK.
Adam: It's not OK.
Steve: It'll be OK. Here. Don't you want to talk?
Adam: I wouldn't know where to start.(这句台词小本本记下来)
Steve: OK.
Adam: Bloody hell! I'm sorry. I...
Steve: Shh, shh.
Adam: I don't think I can. Could you just hold me... Until I sleep?
Steve: Sure. Sure.
(Monday morning)
Adam: So what happens now?(虽然昨晚没上床,但我们现在搂成这样算什么?)
Steve: I want you. But I'm going to have to tell him. I don't do casual. I-I can't do app sex. I need more.(你是我的,我这就回家和他拜拜)
Adam: OK.
Steve: No, really. I can't share you.
Adam: Look. Deleted it.
Adam: It's just going to feel weird me... me paying you...
Steve: No. You're just humping the help. I will tell you when it gets weird.
Adam: Yeah?

Adam: I wish I would have known him. Oh, thank you. Could you ever imagine...
Steve: What?
Adam: Having kids with me?
Steve: I so could. I got so broody today with those twins around.
Adam: Me, too. Thanks for making today so special.
Steve: Teamwork.
(Phong sounding)
Adam: I'm so sorry. It's just I...(哎呀,偷吃不成)
Steve: Wished you'd left it on silent?
Adam: I did delete it.(我有卸载给你看了啊……)
Steve: Yeah, but then you put it...(所以你想背着我偷吃)
Adam: Steve, it's a habit. I didn't... I haven't...(还没和他们大战呢,精神出轨不算出轨)
Steve: OK.
Adam: Steve? Steve! Hey, Steve. Come on! Steve!

Adam起初对Steve只有打一炮的想法(因为第一次吻Steve就上手抓裆)。第二集末尾那句“I have never been so happy in my life”远不足以让人信服Adam对Steve存在真爱,更像是编剧写到最后良心发现、赶紧蹭句台词解答一下。剧中对Adam从想上Steve到不止想上Steve这两个阶段的转变表述得模糊不清,几乎是下定义式的推进。

至于Steve对Adam那迅雷不及掩耳之势的霸道总裁式“I want you”的爱,一句白开水般的“save him from himself”根本站不住脚,编剧掩耳盗铃似地跳过了Why save him和Why he needs to be saved这两个必不可少且难以描述的前情。借助旁白输出一堆Why是一种投机取巧、效果不佳、令人反感、但有胜于无的展开方法,然而编剧心安理得甩给观众,大吼一声——你们自己imagine!诚然,文学创作需要留有想象空间,但留白需要有迹可循的合理性。第二集这种做法,是赤裸裸的偷懒、活生生的耍流氓。

我读了无数遍上述Adam和Steve的所有对话,只发现(1)Why Steve makes Adam happier的答案是——Flora's never invited confidences. Adam never gets a chance to make conversation——Flora这人没办法分享秘密,Adam内心太憋屈了;(2)Why save Adam和Why Adam needs to be saved的答案是——He is so inexperienced——Adam这人太稚嫩了,还跟个孩子似的,需要呵护。



逻辑古怪的毛病同样存在于Steve这人身上——(1)如果Steve觉得Adam像个inexperienced的无处诉衷肠的委屈孩子,想要save他,当个好朋友、常听他吐露心声不就好了吗?如果还想save他的性瘾,乐意上的时候就助人为乐呗,非得“我不喜欢约炮,你也不准约”?为什么Caspar可以约?因为和Caspar是open relationship?为什么和Adam不能open?为什么对Adam就得I can't share you?(编剧你出来解释一下?)这不叫为了save Adam的大爱,这叫对Adam的绝对占有欲;(2)Michael那封信是感动了很多人(包括我),但不代表Steve看完祖父的信立马对他孙子回心转意这种桥段不魔幻现实主义;(3)正因为编剧在Adam身心受创之前没有给出任何Steve对Adam存在明显爱意的伏笔,导致Steve在次日直接扔下“I want you”和“I can't share you”这种话时,难逃趁虚而入之嫌。




相比之下,这一集的人物背景设置就相当讨喜,给出了两人相识多年、同生共死、感情深厚、并且Thomas暗恋Michael的假定。所以,第一集的主线不是Michael和Thomas如何走到一起,而是Michael和Thomas如何没走到一起。平心而论,讲述后者的确比讲述前者要轻松得多,因为后者天然存在一系列戏剧矛盾,前者未必。前者如果不缺乏戏剧冲突,又学不来Richard Linklater在大篇幅对白电影中例如Before Sunrise的叙事技巧,就容易沦为逻辑九曲十八弯哪哪对不上、人物几乎没有形象的第二集那样。


本集的情节事实上很cliche,无非是鱼和熊掌不可兼得、于世俗压力下选择同妻从而辜负了他和她的同性片经典模式。但它的高明之处在于,台词简洁到近乎吝啬,煽情之处已然罕见,矫情就更没有机会了。导演没有打出Oliver Cohen这张尺度牌有点出人意料。而对两人感情起伏变化的渲染也极为克制。即使是爱人去意已决、准备娶妻生子时,所谓的口角也不过是三言两语;即使是监狱相见时,两人也刻意避开情绪碰撞,在平和的日常问候中隐藏悲伤的宣泄;即使是多年后重逢,两人也仅嘘寒问暖,友好告别。但Michael对Thomas怀有的爱情仍可明辨,从结婚之后仍希望藉由伴郎+教父的双重身份继续与Thomas保持亲近(It's rather a good way to stay in touch with the people who matter)可见一二。

本集有个巧妙的小细节。小学课堂上有人提问Patroclus和Achilles的关系,Flora说英雄之爱是超越了婚姻之爱的存在(Love between heroes is regarded as surpassing the love within marriage),这话不假。而英雄之爱指的其实是两个不需要互相弥补的人之间的惺惺相惜,我认为Michael和Thomas便是如此。


My darling Thomas,
I am at work. Nobody knows I am writing to you here.
You refuse my visits, so you are probably tearing up my letters too. But there is nothing I can do but keep trying. It's beyond my control, do you see?
All those months ago, when I had nothing to lose really, I wrote to you in my head but was too cowardly to set more than lies on paper, and now I find I no longer care.
The love I feel for you runs through me like grain through wood. I love you, Thomas. I love you. Your face, your voice, your touch enter my mind at the least opportune moments, and I find I have no power to withstand them. No desire to.
I want us to be together as we were in the cottage, only forever, not just a weekend. I want it to go on so long that it feels normal. I want to do all the ordinary, un-bedroomy things we never got around to doing - making toast, raking leaves, sitting in silence.
I love you, Thomas. I've always loved you - I see that now. Tell me I'm not too late.


请了老戏骨Vanessa Redgrave出演老年Flora,结果编剧写了个烂故事,很让人可惜。另外,作为上下两集绕不开的第一配角(这部迷你剧甚至不用换名字、以Flora的视角改写并探讨同性恋社会地位的发展现状都行得通),Flora竟然只在某张海报中的角落里冒个泡,也是令人震惊。我和导演对这部剧的营销点的看法大相径庭,抛出一张大特写的Flora手捧《橘衫男子》那幅画的单人海报,岂不更深入人心?至少也是如下的三人行配置吧……


但Flora的一生仍是一场可避免的人为悲剧。至少她被剥夺了自由婚姻和自由生育的权利,就像她所愤慨的“I am expected to lie around bringing forth like some brood mare”和“I’m just a sister who happened to bear your child”。不要妄提“揭发Michael”、“离婚”、“再婚”、“单亲妈妈”的建议,那时才二战刚结束。且不提七十年前欧洲社会对离婚的偏见,也不提那会单亲妈妈试图再婚时的阻碍,“揭发Michael”这一条就被Flora本人否决了两次。有人说是为了维持婚姻,但我坚持认为更因为她爱着Michael。



Flora对Thomas的态度如何?即使Flora对Thomas极其不待见甚至有明面上的厌恶,那也是情有可原、无可厚非的。但她相当克制,尽力维持着社交礼节,上公交车时更是主动让Michael去安抚Thomas。Flore简直是人间的天使了,但这丝毫不削减同妻现象在她一生中的悲剧色彩。编剧在第二集最后让她落泪忏悔“I ruined both of their lives”的做法,我倒认为这很disgusting,因为Flora完全没有错。


Adam: Steve has a real vision for how we can...
Flora: Now, doesn't he have a life in London?
Adam: Er, no. Well, it's complicated. He has Caspar. Erm, an art dealer, but they're what Steve calls semidetached, so... I have to show you this. We found it in the cupboard. I thought it was really rather lovely, you know. It might have been...
Flora: I don't remember that. It must have belonged to the Brewers.
Adam: Well, it's addressed to you and Grandpa. "To Flora and Michael, In the hope the enclosed might one day hang in your drawing-room. —Thomas". Who was Thomas?
Flora: Oh, he was a friend of your grandfather's. But we didn't like the picture and, erm, we put it away, chucked it out.
Adam: Why did you just pretend that you...?(这两句对话的转折也很突兀,根据Flora的回答,Adam似乎在质疑祖父是gay,但剧情来讲,Adam是直到那幅《橘衫男子》出现才知道的)
Flora: I can forgive. Hm... It's how you're made. I wish you would be discreet, but of course, that's my age. (这里有个很特别的词discreet,释义是marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint,如果具体指代还不明确,看下面另一个词)
Adam: What?
Flora: You and the man.
Adam: There's nothing between... There's nothing...(欲盖弥彰,Adam隐约对自身的性取向及无法控制的性瘾有羞耻感)
Flora: Well, I never expected when I gave you the cottage that you'd turn it into somewhere that you'd bring your latest...
Adam: Stop!
Flora: Pick-up.(这个词太关键了,pick-up指的是a casual acquaintance often made in hope of sexual relationships,偶遇的以发生性关系为目的的人。八十岁的Flora依旧不能完全接受同性恋,但此处她指责的是Adam的滥交。她认为Adam在性行为上应该discreet)
Adam: Just stop, right there.
Flora: You're using your father's money...
Adam: Just stop! I'm 34 years old. And I'm still hiding in your basement. Is it any wonder...? It's no business of yours who I fuck.(这里无头无尾,鬼知道34岁的人还住祖母地下室是为什么?和同性恋/滥交有什么关系?)
Flora: I don't need to hear this.
Adam: I'm sorry. Silly of me to forget that anything below the neck disgusts you! I mean, do you ever lost control?(这里的lost control不是指发脾气,而是丧失对性欲望的自制力)
Flora: What do you mean?
Adam: Well, did you ever need to give yourself...(这句话显然在说滥交,Adam在为滥交找借口,他推诿给生活缺乏激情)
Flora: I loved your grandfather!(犀利反驳!因为我爱你祖父,所以我不和别人上床)
Adam: Yes, but passion!
Flora: Yes! I loved him! With passion!(继续犀利反驳!一生只爱一个人,也能充满激情)
Adam: Shit! All right. You win. I've been ashamed... all my life. And I wonder why that was!(继续嘴硬为滥交找借口)
Flora: Yes, you should be ashamed. Because it is terrible, it's disgusting to live with other people, as if you were animals.(按照逻辑连贯性,这里应该还是在说滥交;另外,无节制的见谁上谁、随意性交的行径难道不是很像animals吗?从语法来看,这里other people也指的是一群people啊。)
Adam: Animals?
Flora: Yes! Animals!


抛开几处逻辑不连贯的地方,细看下来,Flora表达的只是对Adam滥交的警醒,有何不对?Flora的一句”It's how you're made“已经对Adam的性取向表达了理解,而Adam却将对滥交的指责上升到对自己人格的攻击,赌气地说“You win!”之后离家出走,这不是无理取闹?




第二集则云里雾里、不知所云。如果想讲性瘾或滥交,那比起Michael Fassbender主演的电影Shame真是云泥之别。如果还探讨社会对同性恋的包容度,恐怕除了祖孙争吵扣了题,其他都偏离十万八千里。如果想聚焦同妻现象,显然要切换视角改写。





这天清晨,六十岁的Michael一如既往地半躺在客厅的摇椅上看报纸,妻子Flora则在院子里陪孙子Adam玩耍。阳光懒散地透过窗户,穿过Michael的老花镜,投射在《伦敦时报》(The London Times)的头版新闻上。他抬了抬眼镜,忽地专注起来。这标题说的画家Thomas March,多熟悉的名字啊!他想,只是同名同姓罢了。
Michael接着往下读。这位同名同姓的Thomas March的画作吃了几十年灰,终于在耳顺之年遇见了伯乐,一夜成名。收藏家们甚至为此争得头破血流。近日,以他的早期作品为主的个人画展吸引了多家报社及上流社会的关注。其中一幅被引用为Unknown Man In An Orange Shirt的作品尤为特别,因为作品中那位穿着橘色衬衫的男子的脸并没有画上,看起来像是一幅习作。但正是这份神秘的缺陷美使得这幅技艺并不高超的习作声名远扬。大家纷纷猜测这人的真实样貌。
他猛地坐直起来,端详着报纸上这位Thomas March的近照,情不自禁地伸出手去反复轻抚。三十年了,自从公交站台一别,Thomas便人间蒸发似的,渺无音讯。如今他的脸上早已爬满岁月的刻痕,Michael几乎认不得了。
这些年来,Michael忙于家事,疏于打听他的下落,内心对他充满了愧疚。但此刻,Michael如释重负。寸阴若岁,他终于等到机会。他要当面吐露伫结之情,诉说蒹葭之思。他兴奋地从口袋里掏出战时替Thomas挡下子弹的那本小画册,飞速记下了报纸上刊登的画展举办地点,尽管字迹因按捺不住的喜悦与激动得微颤的手腕而潦草得难以辨别。当他打算起身简单收拾下行李时,他蓦然察觉到胸口的绞痛。还没来得及伸出右手去拿桌上的小药瓶,他的左手已握不住那本小画册。只见钢笔和小画册从手掌中猝然滑落,发出落槌般的响声,夹杂着他最后一声哽咽,凄切刺骨,仿佛有人在敲丧钟。硕大的泪珠顺着那苍白的脸庞,宛若沉积半生的歉意,在地板上重重地砸出一朵朵悔恨之花。当漆黑的天空降下帷幕时,他听见了关于那封因为怯懦而未曾寄出的信——Tell me I'm not too late——的来自命运的回复——I am still too late.
Adam白天是一名兽医,到了夜晚却像一头性欲旺盛的猛兽,在同性交友软件上频繁约炮。Adam自以为祖母始终被蒙在鼓里,毕竟她是来自上个世纪的人,平日里保守得很,对这些新兴事物例如dating apps不一定能接受。也因此,常年住一块的祖孙俩却交不了心。Adam不得不把很多私事闷在肚子里,久而久之,心里堵得慌,只好藉由一夜情发泄发泄。
这天,Steve在装修时发现了一面墙上的暗格,里头藏了一幅某个名叫Thomas的人的画。尽管Thomas March早在三十年前成名,Adam和Steve这两个门外汉不知情也是可以理解的。Adam把这幅画带回家询问祖母。祖母煞费苦心也没能伪装成不知情的样子,她被那一刹那的惊愕出卖了。尽管如此,她仍漫不经心地说,应该是送给Adam的父母亲的。Adam对她的无动于衷有些恼火,反驳说这明明是给祖父祖母的,并把画框翻转过来,念道——
To Flora and Michael, in the hope that one day the enclosed might hang in your drawing-room. — Thomas
Your grandpa and Thomas deeply loved each other but didn't end up together due to cowardliness and social prejudice. We three were all victims, suffering through our life. But Adam, the world has changed! I have always known that you were born to be it. I didn't talk about it for fear of your dearth of courage to confront it, as your grandpa did. Now, I am going to tell you, my child. Do not waver whenever your Mr. Right comes. Your grandpa, Thomas, and I would be very proud of you.
No more pickups, and you'll find him in the end.


It has been thirty years since the encounter between the Berrymans and Thomas at the bus station.
This morning, the sixty-year-old Michael lies on a rocker in the living room, reading a newspaper as usual. His wife, Flora, is playing with their grandson Adam in the yard. The sunlight drowsily passes through the window and his glasses and lands on the latestThe London Times,highlighting the top line on the front page. The titleThe Artist Thomas Marchinstantly caught his eye. What a familiar name! Lifting his glass, he says to himself that it is simply a namesake.
As Michael reads further, not until recent years has this Thomas March ended his noteless career lasting for quite a few decades. He then rose to fame in art circles overnight. His works become more and more collectible, even making people scramble. An ongoing solo exhibition of his early works has aroused the attention of a ton of newspaper offices and the uppertendom. The most widely reviewed and highly praised work on display is the one cited asUnknown Man In An Orange Shirt.As the name implies, the man in the portrait has no face at all. Seemingly, this portrait is merely a study, whereas it has been in the spotlight thanks to its mysteriously beautiful flaw. People are starving for a revelation concerning the actual appearance of the faceless man. Michael knows this man. He refused to keep this study as a memento when visiting Thomas's mother after Thomas was imprisoned for gross indecency.
Suddenly, he sits up straight, staring at the recent image of Thomas March in the news. He can't help stroking it repeatedly and affectionately. A long separation over thirty years has hindered Michael from recognizing this weather-beaten face.
Hadn't he been tied up with family and work, he would have exerted himself to seek Thomas' whereabouts. Guilty has filled his heart all along. By now, he gradually feels able to breathe again. A chance to unbosom himself about how much he has been missing Thomas is awaiting.
He fishes the notebook that saved Thomas from a bullet in the war out of his pocket. The location of Thomas's exhibition is then copied out from the news in a twinkling, albeit in an unrecognizable manner due to his overwhelming thrill and shuddering hands. The moment he wants to stand up for packing, he sharply feels angina from his chest. Ahead of reaching drugs on the table, he has become faint and unable to hold the notebook. The pen abruptly falls off his hand and hits the ground. The clash mingles with his last sob, cold and miserable as if somebody just tolled the death knell. His eyes are brilliant, with unwept tears trickling down the pale cheek. Ashamed and repentant, he eventually hears the answer from his own fate regarding the question in the unsent letter —Tell me I'm not too late. It says —I am still too late.
Another thirty years follow, and the new century has come. Flora is over eighty, sitting on the rocker where Michael died of a heart attack thirty years ago. She wipes the dust from these photo frames every day. At this point, she is gazing at Michael wearing a uniform in the gray-white photo and immersed in the lovestruck phase half a century ago, well and good.
Cooking in the kitchen is her carer, Rita. Life wouldn't be easy for her if Rita hasn't been here, although three friends of hers come to play bridge quite often. Her grandson Adam still lives in the basement despite himself. As Flora remembers, Adam once dated a girl at university, which didn't work out at last.
Adam works in a vet during the day. Yet, he turns into a rutting beast as the night falls, hunting for one-night stands on dating apps. Adam likes to think his promiscuity is hidden from his grandma. After all, she is a conservative lady from the last century, and consequently, it is infeasible for Adam to pour out his heart even though they are living together. He resorts to sex to let off steam whenever secrets smolder.
Seriously, is Flora in the dark at all? Obviously not. Elder though she is, she has sharp eyes still. Hardly will she lose sight of any kitchen stain on the left shoulder of Adam's jacket when he returns from work. Not to mention her personal browser Rita, who keeps her updated about social changes. Of course, she knows dating apps. But she doesn't feel like being tough on Adam any longer. He should take the lead in his game.
One day, there comes a client Steve to give his cat a mercy killing. Adam is somehow turned on. He delivers the cinerary box to Steve's house in the hope of having casual sex, which falls through owing to the presence of Steve's partner.
As it happens, the glum Adam hears some good news from grandma just upon his arrival back home. Flora is not selling the cottage now that a pretty penny for renovation is compulsory before the sale. She has decided to transfer its ownership and give him a project to run at will.
Knowing that Steve is an architect, Adam contacts him through the client registration system to see if he is interested. Beyond expectations, Steve rises to the bait without any difficulty. He claims it as more challenging compared to stereotyped kitchen designs. Smelling the upcoming victory, Adam eagerly anticipates their sex.
Nevertheless, it soon goes out of Adam's control. How seriously Steve must have taken the cottage to bring a pile of design drafts in a few days! Adam feels abashed about making such an excuse for sex. He has to hold off the plan, attempting to make it sound less rude to ask to sleep with Steve.
Over the next two weeks, Steve stays in the cottage for the convenience of working, while Adam goes to help off duty. Adam appears to have utterly forgotten his initial intention about sex. Rationality and thoughtfulness make Steve such a trustworthy good listener, to whom Adam is willing to open up about growth and sexuality. Steve is as close as a family member.
Later on, a concealed cupboard is found inside the wall, storing a picture signed by some Thomas. Laymen such as Adam and Steve are unlikely to be acquainted with artists. Adam brings this painting of the cottage back home for inquiry. Hard as Flora has tried, she fails to feign ignorance. The amazement has sold her out. Even so, she throws out a distraction saying that it might belong to Adam's parents. A bit annoyed by her nonchalance, Adam retorts by turning the frame upside down and reading the line on the back:
To Flora and Michael, in the hope that one day the enclosed might hang in your drawing-room. — Thomas
Flora affects calmness and shuts his mouth by mildly commenting that Thomas is nothing but an alumnus at school and a comrade-in-arms of Michael's. Yet, she has sensed the subtext of the message Thomas left sixty years ago that she has never noticed. After saying goodnight, she goes upstairs with the painting for a deeper look.
Lingering in the cottage are exclusive recollections of Michael and Thomas, notwithstanding the disparagement from Flora. Half a century ago, she vigorously defended her marriage like a tigress. She triumphed with Michael returning to the family and Thomas vanishing ever after. A period of passion lasting thirty years ensued till the death of her husband came out of the blue. Gone are her devoted lover and her faith in their love in the days of yore. The letter she found in Michael's remains seemingly jeopardizes the assertion that their bonding wasn't a compromise or an expedient. But does it really matter? She once burnt all love letters Thomas wrote to Michael just out of fury. Since the letter has stood as a remembrance of her husband, it is ludicrous to get entangled if love is untrue. At all events, their marriage has been inseparable from her life. And Thomas is no longer the imaginary rival in love.
At the thought, Flora opens the frame, pleasantly and curiously. She would have never expected a portrait of Michael in an orange shirt under the painting of the cottage. In the wake of absolute shock, she bursts out crying. Those are not rueful but emotional tears. She can never disdain the affection between Michael and Thomas as if it is perverse. That is love surpassing the love within marriage. That is a plain but heroic dream. Flora always takes pride in her bravery since no blame is attached to her past storm of jealousy. But now, only men made of stone won't be touched by the selfless love of Thomas.
Plunged in thought for a long while, she stops crying and walks downstairs to knock on the basement door. It is still an endless night out of the window, while it is as bright as the moonlight shedding for a thousand miles inside. The love story between two men starting six decades ago is told gently but vividly in a voice from whom has gone through storm and stress. The little-known association between these two paintings is then disclosed. The soulful but unsent letter is handed down to generations.
Years later, Adam would never forget the speech of his grandma whenever this tranquil and surreal night crosses his mind —
Your grandpa and Thomas deeply loved each other but didn't end up together due to cowardliness and social prejudice. We three were all victims, suffering through our life. But Adam, the world has changed! I have always known that you were born to be it. I didn't talk about it for fear of your dearth of courage to confront it, as your grandpa did. Now, I am going to tell you, my child. Do not waver whenever your Mr. Right comes. Your grandpa, Thomas, and I would be very proud of you.
Adam is indeed bewildered by the speech. It never occurred to him that one day his grandma would open the closet instead, not only holding his hands but leading him gracefully out of it. This middle-aged bearded flushes exhilaratingly and then holds Flora in a warm embrace.
Inspired, Adam confesses his love towards Steve the following day, who has already been taken. The thank-you kiss mitigates the upset caused by the instant refusal. But thought-provoking are words from Steve —
No more pickups, and you'll find him in the end.
On this night, he rereads Michael's letter, alone in the basement. Notifications from dating apps flood in, keeping his phone vibrating. He seems to brush them aside. Lying on the sofa instead, he soon falls into sleep. He sees his elderly grandpa and Thomas sitting around the wooden table in front of the cottage. Thomas is making efforts to wield the paintbrush. He halts for a second, but his right arm still shivers. The opposite is his grandpa that sits obediently still but never stops talking. The orange shirt is ill-fitting, even ridiculously. This pair of old fellows are mocking at their being on the verge of senility while reminiscing those funny but corny stories half a century ago.

 3 ) 爱需要勇气,也需要理解


相比于《浴火鸟》中的 Luisa,我会更同情 Flora 一些,虽然Michael 最后还是留在 Flora 身边,而 Thomas 却是在看着自己的爱人离去的巴士,无奈又深情地给予了一个飞吻。讽刺的是回头看到这一幕的是 Flora 而不是 Michael。甚至在 Michael决定和 Thomas 一刀两断的时候,是 Flora 提醒他说:你要不要陪一下他,他可能会喝个烂醉。Flora 付出的隐忍,心里承受的压力,是我真的无法想象的。回到他们的爱情故事开始的地方,Michael 如愿的在战争结束后去找了 Thomas,两人在乡间的小屋度过了美好的二人时光。但是该来的总是会来的,Michael 终究还是要回去和 Flora 结婚,他对 Thomas 的一句话深深刺痛了我:你认为我们之间有可能么?我们会成为丈夫和妻子么?其实也不能怪他,毕竟是那样一个时代背景下,男人与男人发生关系被形容为鸡奸,是要被逮捕入狱的。这也为 Flora 后来的隐忍埋下了伏笔,即使 Flora 发现了 Michael 的秘密,她还是选择原谅,因为不想自己爱的人受牢狱之灾,只要 Michael 守住这个秘密,不被人发现,他们就能体面地过一辈子。

中间两段 Michael 去找别的男人的片段。第一段是 Michael 在不断的自我怀疑中偷偷地去到一个公共厕所,但是发现看见的男人那种谄媚的色诱后,他决然地离开了。这一段我愿意理解为,Michael 希望自己能承担对 Flora 的丈夫的责任,他可能认为自己与 Thomas 的关系只是情欲和对肉体的贪婪。但是在公厕事件之后,他明白了他与 Thomas 之间是爱情,并不是任何一个男人都可以替代的。之后他也写了告白的信件,却始终没有寄出去;准备好了和 Thomas 私奔法国,却懦弱地选择了逃避。最后,看到绝望地妻子和孩子,他还是选择了体面地过活。第二段是在多年看似平常的夫妻生活之后,Michael 在妻子陪小孩试校服的间隙,去了厕所和一个店员发生了关系。当然具体发生了什么电影里没有展现,但是当看到 Flora 和孩子等到姗姗来迟的 Michael 的时候,一切也就都解释清楚了。从 Flora 细微的表情中我们也能感受到,她有怀疑丈夫为什么突然要去厕所,也有不安为什么丈夫一直还没回来,但是她选择了沉默。这就是为什么我会说我更同情Flora,同样是出轨,Flora 的这一份隐忍中却多了份无奈,她需要和丈夫维持这样一个体面的家庭生活,保证丈夫的安全,为了孩子而体现出他们恩爱和谐的一面。这一刻也让我明白 Michael 也妥协了,他忘记了 Thomas,现在任何一个男人都可以替代他的位置。这一段结束之后,就是前文所提到的结局。Michael 和 Flora 的离开成了两个男人之间最后的决绝,而 Flora 的回眸也似乎是在说这个女人理解了丈夫和这样一个男人的感情。

 4 ) 橘衫男子



影片从头到尾多次出现 Flora 对 Michael 的评价:“你娶我只是为了看上去和别人一样。”这种人生态度贯穿了 Michael 的一生,并且在他死后,Flora 受到的影响也导致了 Adam 生活的困境。Michael 是懦弱的,他最常做的事情就是逃避。从最开始在战地时,Michael 和 Thomas 坐在廊下的时候,Thomas 对着 Michael 语有所指,暗送秋波的时候,Michael 就开始逃避。


Michael 顾左右而言他

和 Flora 沉默的性事后逃避

面对自己的性向,逃避(这里需要说明一下,一开始我没懂这里想要表达的是什么意思,后面想了一个解释,在这个场景里明显有一个男人在暗示他要发生关系,而 Michael 被吓的落荒而逃,这个时刻正是在 Flora 发现他和 Thomas 的关系后大骂他“恶心!会不会伤害我的孩子”的时刻之后,这个场景的构建应该是为了表现 Michael 被人发现是同的恐慌)

监狱中面对 Thomas 明显的怨怼时逃避

最终鼓起勇气要和 Thomas 重新开始,结果遇到 Thomas 的朋友来接,他就直接认为 Thomas 已经有了新的生活,而自己“too late”(和他信中最后一句相呼应,他一直担心自己会不会 too late),他甚至都没能走上前去问一句。而我们旁观者明显看出,Thomas 的眼睛在找寻,目标是谁不必多言。

Michael 在回到家的楼梯上难受的痛哭,在他的心里,这段感情已经死了,而他也学会了在生活里苟且。后面 Michael 一家三口在商场里,Michael 和一个男服务生眉来眼去,然后一起进了厕所,暗示了什么大家都懂得,这个场景和之前 Michael 看到厕所里有一个男同在试探他就落荒而逃形成了鲜明了对比。Michael 变成了一个维持家庭,同时通过打野炮来舒缓自己的需求的无奈的同性恋,我猜这也是那个时代绝大多数同性恋的无奈选择。那那个年代绝大多数的同妻呢?可能就像 Flora 吧,她知道自己的丈夫打野炮么?在 Michael 谎称要去上厕所之后,导演给了 Flora 一个镜头,我觉得她知道,但是她从来没说过,她只能忍。甚至在最后,她坐在巴士上,代替 Michael 接受 Thomas 的吻时(可能也算不上,就是看着),她的笑容,我认为是代表了她在第二集中说到的自以为是的胜利,潜台词好像是,虽然我的丈夫是个同性恋,他爱过你,他现在在和野男人打炮,但是他没有进监狱,他仍然是我的丈夫是孩子的爹,我刚才已经百般劝说他和你聊一会了但是他连头都没回,我展现了我的善良和大度,而且我在这一局里赢了。其实她何尝不明白自己还是没有得到自己想要的,但是现在这个结果已经是她能接受的了,所以就这么忍着。

看完这一集,明显能感觉到,造成这三个人的悲剧最直接的原因就是 Michael 的懦弱。当初 Thomas 想要和他一起生活,他却连想都没想过,为了“和别人一样”,娶了 Flora,又没能守住秘密,在 Flora 知晓之后又不能当断则断,好不容易下定决心,最后却还是退缩。

但是你能站在道德制高点去批判他么?相信绝大多数人都不能。那是一个同性恋即是罪的年代。Flora 在得知 Michael 和 Thomas 有一腿之后找自己的闺蜜聊天,闺蜜带来了邻居因为是同性恋被抓的消息;Thomas 因为被发现一次性行为直接被判了一年,而 Flora 在得知 Michael 是同之后更是破口大骂,在这样一个环境下,Michael 这种懦弱是 plausible 的。

所以接下来,顺理成章地有了第二集,现在,2017年,英国同性恋婚姻合法已经快三年,整个社会的同性恋的接受程度大大提高。那同性恋是不是就都会有一个happy ending了呢?


Adam 也是一名同性恋,相比较于他的祖父 Michael,他所处的环境貌似是天堂。英国同性婚姻已经合法,同性交友软件也和异性交友软件一样accessible,他的朋友对此完全接受,不管是 Claudie 还是对他调侃的那几个年轻人,表达出的都是善意而非恶意。

但是 Adam 并没有活在天堂。首先,影片中表现的一点是他朋友不多,可以看出,在聚会中,Adam 的话也是不多的,全靠 Claudie 活跃气氛,聚会到一半竟然要出门打炮。我认为这里导演想表现的是,就算环境目前看来没有恶意,Adam 也认为很难合群。他有压力,压力产生欲望,所以他疯狂地滥交,但是在每一次交合过后,洗澡时他都要用刷子猛烈地刷自己的身体!像要搓掉一层皮那样觉得自己是脏的。场景里他和 Flora 的相处片段在第二集前期一直是非常温和的,但是从这种温和中,我们也感受到了 Adam 会这样的原因。Adam 和 Flora 貌似从来未就此事交流过,但是他们心里却都是知道的。Flora 知道 Adam 是同,Adam 也知道 Flora 厌恶同。Adam 是 Flora 带大的,潜移默化地受到 Flora 的影响。但是他同时又是受到现代教育的一代人,又有自己的想法。我相信他知道自己应该完全接受自己是个同的身份,也知道自己应该反抗祖母恐同。但是,大道理是一回事,做到又是另外一回事。从小受到祖母的影响,祖母关于同性恋的态度多多少少影响了他,他矛盾,痛苦,不知道如何面对一个这样的自己,最大的原因在于,他不知道自己为什么这样。虽然他疯狂约炮,但是在内心深处,他仍然不知道如何接受自己是个同性恋这一事实。他连自己是同性恋都不知道如何安然接受,更不知道甚至惧怕去发展一段恋爱关系。所以影片中一个炮友想要和他进一步了解时,他直接落荒而逃。即使他对 Steve 颇有好感,第一次接吻他就想和对方发生关系,而不是好好谈个恋爱。

Steve 的出现其实是对 Adam 的引导,通过 Steve 的态度,Steve 对待爱情的原则和方式,Adam 在被一点一点影响,最终有了走上正轨的可能。那是不是说,Adam 是因为自己家庭和成长环境的原因,只是个个例,并不具备代表性呢?其实影片中有一个场景,Caspar 让 Steve 不要试图去拯救 Adam,Steve 对 Caspar 说 you saved me。可见,虽然影片中没说,但是 Steve 也并不是开始就这么成熟豁达的,他也经历过相当痛苦的心魔阶段,而 Caspar 是他的引导者。Steve的心魔是啥我们无从得知,但是这里我认为影片想要表达的思想是:并不是说同性婚姻合法一切就都皆大欢喜了,法律可以限定行为但是不能限定人的内心,Flora 们所代表的老旧思想仍然会在很长时间内对新生代产生影响,但是通过一代一代的努力,最终我们会走到一个理想的状态。

当然,Steve 也没真能完全改变 Adam,Adam 重新安装了dating app,两人不欢而散。最终导致 Adam 完全转变的是 Flora 将 Michael 是同的事情告诉了 Adam,并且拿出 Michael 写给 Thomas 的情书。那一刻,Adam 终于接受了自己是 born with it,从而完全接纳自己,最终和 Steve 走到一起。

这个时候再回过头来看 Michael 的问题,就会产生一种新的感悟,不再只是一个人抗衡不了一个时代的无奈感。同样身处于一个时代,Thomas 最终开始了新的生活,只要 Michael 自己下定决定,其实之前很多个时间点他做出不同的选择也不会走到那样苟且的结局。

当然,影片并没有要去谴责某个人。Michael 、Flora 受到那个时代的限制,不能拿今人的思维去衡量他们的行为。我看到有短评说这部作品包含的元素太多,例如身份认同、性瘾、出柜等等等等,哪个都没说透,不够深刻。其实我认为这本身就不是它想要表达的东西。这部作品是为了纪念Sexual Offences Act废除了在英格兰和威尔士对于男性同性性行为的定罪的50周年而推出,从这一点来看它突出同性问题中任何一个单一元素都是不合适的。所以它选择了在不同的时代背景去展现同性恋的生存状态,外部环境因素改变了,但是很多问题依然存在,这就引发人们去思考引起问题的本质到底是什么。在我看来,这部作品思路非常清楚,这两集作品也是不可分割的整体。而且我尤为喜欢最后 Flora 的转变,在我看来这是编剧表达的最大的善意:Flora 们所代表的老旧思想要转变是一个非常困难也非常漫长的过程,因为他们曾被自己所不理解的东西所深深伤害,但是一旦他们理解了,他们终会为爱而原谅。

最后,我认为这部作品想要告诉我们的是:同性婚姻合法只是同性恋争取自身权益的一个里程碑,而远不是终点,很多积累下的问题还在一点点的影响今日,甚至影响未来。一个人无法撼动一个时代,但是真正决定一个人过得是否幸福的核心,在自己,这一点对任何一个人都一样,无论同性恋异性恋。Accept youself,fight for yourself,to be the one you meant to be.

 5 ) 如果这封信寄出去会怎样

My darling Thomas




 6 ) 代际之间,同性与释然

人物塑造最重要的是立体。 通过房子将祖孙代人联系起来。其实,同性恋题材的电影,从同性本身来讲故事,多多少少都单薄,既然如此就像《忽然之间那年夏天》,如果要探讨一种接受度,可能加入孩子的因素更好一些《人生密密缝》《养子十五岁》。 如果,还需要更重要的一种接受,需要去到岁月流逝的前几十年。我们应该都不陌生《断背山》的结局,也知道图灵机的发明人--伟大的数学家阿兰图灵是怎么离开人世的。 真正困难的不是去塑造一种价值观,或者接受一种现实,而是去“破”再“立”,这种过程,堪比“挫骨拔毒”。 电影在探讨同性关系的时候,有一个点是,有的同性恋为了满足性欲会同时交往很多人(或者简单快捷APP式);有的则是有固定的性伴侣,但是不一定走心;还有的才是爱情下的岁月静好。其实异性恋,也是如此。 我慢慢的开始理解“橘色”以及五颜六色“彩虹”的颜色,因为他们的人生,很多时候都自带灰调。 我想到一部之前看的电影《谁先爱上他的》,这里我也看到了同样的内容。亦如《心之全蚀》。每一颗心都不是空的,如果一个你爱的人心里装的不是你,我不知道这是谁的错,这也不是上个世纪才存在的现象。即便是现在,异性恋中也存在这样的困境,这可能就是爱情留给我们浪漫又魔幻还可能折磨的一部分吧。 同性恋结婚,领养孩子。这短时间在中国是不会存在这样的合法性的。对自己人生的把握是需要勇气的,也无关他人的有色眼镜吧。 只希望,能够眉眼笑意多一些。 最后,法国和英国,德国……其实同性题材的电影风格差异还是比较明显的。从这样一个视角倒还有点透视各个国家的感觉。



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「A+」可以作为典型反同教育片了 PS.男主神似中国网红高佑思_(:D)∠)_

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3.5 在难以厮守的年代有人勇于爱得迅疾,在能够大胆去拥抱的年代有人畏于深情长吻,所以与其说是时代作怪,不如说是自身的犹豫与抉择造成最后的结局。E01其实更为动情,那些爱太深的、得不到的、舍不得的心声,悄然藏在画框背后。“我以为我赢了”,其实说到感情大家都是输家。

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